For LTC Group, the quality of the products it supplies and of its processes, the protection of the health of workers and the community, risk prevention and environmental protection are strategic, priority objectives, equal in standing to economic and financial objectives.
With this in mind, LTC Group chooses to pursue the continuous improvement over time of a Management System compliant with ISO 9001 and ISO 45001 standards.
In particular, LTC Group undertakes to:
scrupulously comply with all applicable laws and regulations, conduct business ethically, pursue safety, continuously improve the quality of products and processes, pursue the containment of consumption of energy and natural resources and reduce carbon emissions, promote professional skills, maximise Customer Satisfaction and pursue an open dialogue towards collaborators, customers, suppliers and the community.
Click to read our complete Quality Policy and download the document in PDF.
At LTC Group, we have begun to analyse our processes so we can redesign our work flows in line with a circular economy. Sustainability is the key word.
Literally “putting back into circulation”: this is what the concept of circular economy means, a radical change of perspective that sees the company involved at all levels.
A business model founded on a circular economy involves not just the company, but also all its partners and suppliers: the entire production chain must take part in a change of vision, a shared perspective is the only way can we generate new value together.
“Rising to a big challenge means turning it into opportunities”: because ethical responsible actions also bring benefits in terms of strategy and competitiveness.
Technology and people are the two key factors for the success of a production model based on a circular economy.